Monday, March 2, 2009

More updates

It is snowing heavily, periodic wind gusts are filling in several of the areas I recently cleared. Hardly a day for outdoor activities, but a good time to catch up on my blog entries. As described last month, we have embarked on a new program designed to help some of our patrons reenter the work force. The first week has just ended, and from my perspective it is going very well. Both gentlemen assigned to the library are excellent workers. They are willing to undertake almost any task requested of them, and complete it in a timely and thorough fashion. I am hoping that a successful first installment will help ensure steady funding for this collaboration between the library, the city Department of Human Services, The YMCA and St. Vincent De Paul Place. While the results to date are gratifying, my particular frustration is the knowledge that there are other potential candidates who cannot be placed because of the paucity of funds. Perhaps we can rectify that situation.

We have two students from Norwich Free Academy preparing to start community service projects at the library. This is a wonderful opportunity to introduce young adults to the library, and also allows us to implement some further audience research. In particular, we could use more information on the methods of transportation employed by our patrons. Based on the results of our last two survey, there are noteworthy differences between those who drive and those who use public transportation or walk. Initially I would like to illuminate the percentages using various forms of transportation, and adduce more about the different uses made of the library. Some of these differences were revealed by the responses to the earlier surveys, but there is more to be learned. What we learn is also valuable for designing programs and events scheduling.

I also hope that readers of this blog are following the changes made to the library's web page. We have added photographs from recent events, including a packed forum on health care sponsored by Congressman Joe Courtney and a highly successful reading by author Wally Lamb. Please consult our home page for forthcoming programs and vignettes from recent events.

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